Our Approach

While we have strong convictions about the nature of human life and limitless potential of the human being, that is largely set aside in our work with clients. Every assignment is client focused and goal driven, defined by the positive changes that you desire to make in your life.

Our process is simple ~

Everything in the world is manifested twice; first in our imagination, and a second time in reality.

Our role as coach/consultant is to aid you in bridging the gap between the two.

Step 1 ~ We guide you through a comprehensive self-assessment process. If we don’t know where we’re starting from, it is impossible to map a path to anywhere else.

Step 2 ~ We serve as a mirror or sounding board to clarify your dream, your vision. We ask pointed and powerful questions to confirm the validity of the vision.

Let’s face it, all of us have at one time or another had the thought that we’re being called to move to Joshua Tree, live in a tent and write folk music. For a few of us that may be a true calling, but for most it is simply a passing whimsy.

The first step in any process is validation of the vision; is it true?

Step 3 ~ We work proactively to shape that vision into an actionable set of goals. The goals are always committed to in writing and always include a timeline!

Step 4 ~ We provide ongoing advocacy and accountability. As coach/consultant, we work with you on an ongoing basis to provide support and encouragement, offer redirection when necessary, and hold you accountable to the goals you have set. All for the purpose of ensuring meaningful progress is being made.

Step 5 ~ As you progress, we provide training and guidance on daily rituals intended to sharpen mental acuity, increase vitality, balance emotions and enhance spiritual connectedness.

Step 6 ~ We work with you to install permanent habits and thought processes to ensure stability and continued growth.

Step 7 ~ Live the life of your dreams!

A cautionary note: It's all about today. As we work toward the Transcendent Life, it is essential that we never put off happiness for the sake of achievement. While the life coaching process is inherently forward looking, today is the day to seize the moment and live a life that soars. The joy must come from the work, not the outcome. We must balance finding peace and joy today with our quest for the extraordinary. Although human potential is infinite, time is finite; how we use our minutes, hours and days is critical; we only get to use them once, so use them well. The choices we make, the actions we take today shape the future of our dreams.

Always remember, it’s the journey not the destination. Savor the moment!

How We Work

We provide life coaching and personal consultation services. We do NOT offer any type of mental or behavioral health counseling services. THIS IS NOT THERAPY. If you feel you may have a significant mental health problem/diagnosis, please seek out a qualified, licensed therapist to address those issues.

In some cases, life coaching may serve as an excellent complement or extension of therapy.

Engagement Structure

We structure all client engagements based on your needs and desires. Our typical engagement might be structured as follows:

Initial Session ~ assessment (includes the four components of the human being and the multiple aspects of adult life) and goal setting.

Month One ~ weekly sessions to monitor progress, re-direct as necessary and ensure that new positive behaviors become ingrained. (This time frame is not random. It is aligned with the time it normally takes for new neural pathways to be established in the brain, 21-30 days).

Month Two & Three ~ bi-weekly sessions to provide continued advocacy and accountability. Additional skills training.

Month Four & beyond ~ as needed to provide continuing support, redirection, and additional goal-setting. We also monitor for regression. These sessions are often only thirty minutes in length and may be conducted remotely (telephone/video).

Mode of Delivery

The preferred method of service delivery for clients in the greater Phoenix area is in person.

For clients outside the Phoenix area or whose schedules prohibit in-person sessions, remote sessions are available via video conference.